
DAY 0 - 2023.08.12

基調講演01「オンチェーン・アートがひらく『私』の表現」 Keynote 01: Individual Expression through On-Chain Generative Art


スクリーンショット 2023-08-12 11.17.48のコピー.png

講師:Erick Calderon(創業者、CEO/Art Blocks)

Art Blocksの創業者である、SnowfroことErick Calderonの基調講演。NFTの興隆によって拡大しつつある領域の、欠かす事のできない一要素となったジェネラティブアート。その震源地とも言われるArt Blocksが、どのように生まれたのか。また、なぜジェネラティブアートがこれほど多くの人々を惹きつけるのか。その秘訣を自身のキャリアを振り返りながら語った。


技術の発展によってデザインの個別化が可能になった。ブロックチェーンだけでなく、そのような環境の変化がArt Blocksの設立に繋がっていったのだという。今後、ジェネラティブアートの世界はさらに広がっていく。そのような環境のなか、アーティストの役割はブロックチェーンとの出会いによって生まれた可能性を探求することである、とErick Calderonは語った。

The opening for setup() was the keynote lecture by Erick Calderon (aka Snowfro), the founder and CEO of Art Blocks.

Despite the downward market trend of NFTs, blockchain-based generative art is thriving, with Art Blocks at the epicentre. What motivated Calderon to establish Art Block? Why are people so fascinated with blockchain-based generative art? He shared with us his thoughts while taking us through the trajectory from his Snow Cone business, family owned-and-operated porcelain and ceramic tile business, encounter with CryptoPunks, and projects at Art Blocks.

His artist name “Snowfro” was given by a college friend—from his Snow Cone business and afro—and his career in design began when he joined the family business in ceramic tiles. From designing more personalized tiles—increasing the color palette and therefore ways for customers to freely color coordinate them—Calderon’s project later evolved into using the color palette in his Chromie Squiggles series. From tiles, squiggles, to 3D-printed cubes, color variations and blocks seemed to run throughout Calderon’s aesthetics.

As the technology and sphere of blockchain-based generative art continues to grow, Calderon encouraged artists to further continue to explore the many possibilities that blockchain technology still has to offer.

DAY 1 - 2023.08.26






11:00~11:30 事業説明「本プログラムについて」、ディレクター活動紹介

11:30~15:00 参加者活動紹介

15:10~16:45 レクチャー「お金の価値」講師:会田大也(ミュージアムエデュケーター)

16:45〜18:15 ハンズオン「お金をつくる」講師:高瀬俊明(株式会社TART 代表取締役)

19:30~21:00 基調講演02「芸術と耕文活動」登壇:藤幡正樹(メディアアーティスト)

11:00 - 11:30 Intro: Camp vol. 2 Objective & Program Directors’ Welcome

11:30 - 15:00 Participants’ Self-introductions

15:10 - 16:45 Lecture: Value of Currency [Aida Daiya (Museum Educator]

16:45 - 18:15 Hands-On: Making (Crypto) currencies [Takase Toshiaki (Founder and CEO / TART K.K.)]

19:30 - 21:00 Keynote 02: Art and Cultivation [Fujihata Masaki (New media artist)]



2人目の講師はアーティスト、エンジニア、起業家でもある髙瀬俊明。「お金を実装するとしたら、何をすることが必要か?」という問いかけについて、参加者たちと思考を巡らせていく。「お金」を機能に分解し、実装するための用件定義に落とし込んでみるという思考実験を行った。続いて、実際にブロックチェーン上にRemixとOpen Zeppelinを用いてERC-20仕様のオリジナル通貨をデプロイするハンズオン。簡単なコードを自分で書く必要があるが、実際にお金を実装してみるという体験を通じて「お金」という存在について新たな視点を獲得する実践となった。


The start of our 5-day marathon in thinking about blockchain and its usages in (crypto)currencies, NFTs, and DAOs.

After the participants’ self-introductions, the camp dove right into a lecture on Currency by Aida Daiya, YCAM’s museum educator who began his practice as an artist by questioning what it means to make and sell works of art. Learning about the history of currency and some of the workshops Aida organized on the systems of monetization, the participants were forced to rethink about the many forms of currency that are unnoticed in our everyday lives.

Artist, engineer, and entrepreneur Takase Toshiaki was our second lecturer, asking the participants, “what components do we need to render or run a currency?” Breaking down the intrinsic and extrinsic functions of currency, here again, the participants were made to put aside their everyday experiences with money and think about the fundamentals of what constitutes currencies. They then created their original ERC-20 tokens using Remix and Open Zeppelin. In addition to writing codes, the experience of actually rendering tokens provided all of them with a new appreciation of and experience with currency and money.

Closing the first day was the keynote lecture by media artist Fujihata Masaki. He began with his thoughts on the naming of CCBT, breaking down the fundamental meanings of the terms “civic,” “creative,” and “base,” and also pointed out the importance of cultivating the soil (the undergound) for art and culture to grow and flourish.

DAY 2 - 2023.08.27






11:15~11:50 レクチャー「アート活動とNFT」講師:田中薫(ジェネラティブアーティスト) 11:50~12:30 レクチャー「Generative in Smart Contracts」 講師:0xhaiku(アーティスト)

14:00~14:30 ハンズオン「コレクションとしてNFTをつくる」 講師:田中薫

14:30~17:00 ハンズオン「スマートコントラクトを使ってNFTをつくる」 講師:wildmouse(ブロックチェーンエンジニア)

18:30~20:00 基調講演03「Volume DAOの原動力:アートとそれを支える人たち」登壇:You-Sheng Zhang(Volume DAO共同創設者)、eziraros(アーティスト)

11:15~11:50 Lecture: Art Practice and NFT [Kaoru Tanaka (Generative Artist)]

11:50~12:30 Lecture: Generative in Smart Contracts」[0xhaiku (Artist)]

14:00~14:30 Hands-On: NFT as a Collection [Kaoru Tanaka]

14:30~17:00 Hands-On:NFT Using the Smart Contract [wildmouse (Blockchain Engineer)]

18:30~20:00 Keynote 03: Art and Beyond: The Dynamics of Volume DAO [You-Sheng Zhang Co-founder / VolumeDAO), eziraros (Artist)]


1人目の講師は世界で活動するジェネラティブアーティストのKaoru Tanaka。自身の活動の紹介を行いながら、NFTの世界に入るきっかけや、NFTを通じてどのぐらい活躍の場が広がったかなどについてを語った。また実際に、イーサリアムのテストネットを使ってOpenSeaでコレクションを作成し、アートを自分でミントするところまでステップバイステップで体験した。


午後からは、実際にコードを書きながら様々なタイプのスマートコントラクトを実装する体験を行った。講師は、数々のNFTアートの裏側を支えてきたスマートコントラクト・エンジニアであるwildmouse。Hello Worldから始めて、最もシンプルなERC-721のNFTのコードを写経。NFTの画像データとメタデータをアップしながら、スマートコントラクトから参照、実装するところまでを体験した。スマートコントラクトの基礎を体験しながら、実際にNFTで使用されている技術や制作手法を体感できる講義となった。

2日目最後のプログラムは、台湾を拠点に活動するコレクターのDAO、Volume DAOによる基調講演が行われた。

Due to their fundamental role in the popularization of the blockchain technology, NFTs was the topic of the second day.

Generative artist Tanaka Kaoru led the lecture introducing her practices and exhibits and also explaining how she joined the NFT universe and how her practice has flourished since. The participants then followed Tanaka’s step-by-step instructions in making a collection and minting an NFT on Opensea’s test-net.

The second lecturer of the day was artist 0xhaiku who utilizes the smart contract technology to exhibit his on-chain NFTs. 0xhaiku shared his ideas on how the encounter between generative art and blockchain opened up an entirely new horizon in the making, selling, and owning of generative art. In addition to it being a means to create multiple visual variations, the very system/technology that is used allows generative art to be inherently “art-istic” which presents us with a completely new appreciation of “artworks.” From this, 0xhaiku suggested there may be novel ways of connecting art and society where each work in synergy with the other.

In the afternoon, participants wrote codes to create different types of NFTs in the Hands-On workshop led by smart contract engineer, wildmouse, who has worked behind the scenes in the making of many NFT artworks. Starting with the “Hello World!” command, participants also wrote simple ERC-721 NFT codes to deploy a smart contract, uploaded the NFT image’s meta-deta onto IPFS which could then be connected to the smart contract. Literally, a hands-on approach into learning about the fundamentals of smart contracts and their usage in NFTs.

For keynote 04, You-Sheng Zhang and eziraros from Volume DAO introduced DAOs in Taiwan, highlighting each of their causes be it in charity, investment, protocol-making, services, and collecting. As a co-founder, You-Sheng explained the importance of a collaborative spirit among members in a DAO. Being an NFT artist himself, eziraros showed his on-chain works and explained how his journey in generative art was itself generative as it opened up the horizon for him to collaborate with others.

DAY 3 - 2023.08.28






11:15~16:00 アイデアソン&ハンズオン「DAO」講師:eziraros、Jo-Lin Hsieh (Volume DAOコントリビューター、Sandwishes Studio共同設立者)、Shih-Tung LO(Volume DAOメンバー、アーティスト、キュレーター)、You-Sheng Zhang

16:30~18:30 ワールドカフェ 19:00~20:00 グループワーク ブレインストーミング

11:15~16:00 Ideathon and Hands-On [You-Sheng Zhang, eziraros, Jo-Lin Hsieh (Contributor of Volume DAO, Co-founder of Sandwishes Studio), Shih-Tung LO (Volume DAO member, Artist, Curator)

16:30~18:30 World Cafe

19:00~20:00 Group Work & Brainstorming

3日目のテーマは、オープンソース運動とスマートコントラクトが出会ったことによって生まれた新しい組織の形、分散型自律組織「DAO」。Tezosブロックチェーンをベースに活動する台湾のコレクター組織、Volume DAOのメンバーたちを講師に迎えた。



Following up from Volume DAOs keynote speech, the Participants were next exposed to thinking in groups or DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations that are collectively-owned, blockchain-governed communities working toward a shared mission.

Four members from Volume DAO, the first NFT collector group in Taiwan based on the Tezos blockchain, introduced the philosophy of DAO and led the participants to think about how DAO can be used to solve issues we face in today’s society.

DAOs do not necessarily work only in the arts sector, but also deal with investments, protocol-making, services, charities, and social issues. While introducing DAOs in the Asian regions, Volume DAO explained that DAOs run from the bottom-up where members are given the rights and responsibilities of the organization’s decision-making.

Moving onto Hands-on, Volume DAO demonstrated the making of and usage of a multi-signature wallet on SAFE, retroactively issuing and claiming a certificate/proof of labor or attendance on Hypercerts, a voting platform involving members on SNAPSHOT, among other tools used by DAOs.

Participants were able to better understand new ways of on-chain collaborations from learning about the ethos of DAOs and the actual tools they use to operate.

DAY 4 - 2023.08.29






11:00~17:00 グループワーク 講師:会田大也、eziraros、Jo-Lin Hsieh、Shih-Tung LO、髙瀬 俊明、田中 薫、0xhaiku、松橋 智美(株式会社メルカリ 政策企画、Arts and Law所属)、You-Sheng Zhang、wildmouse

17:00~18:00 発表

19:30~21:00 基調講演04「Web3における法のデザイン」講師:水野 祐(法律家、弁護士(シティライツ法律事務所))

11:00 - 17:00 Group Work

Mentors: Aida Daiya eziraros Jo-Lin Hsieh Shihtung Lo Takase Toshiaki Kaoru Tanaka 0xhaiku Tomomi Matsuhashi (Public Policy Mercari Inc.,, Arts and Law) You-Sheng Zhang wildmouse

17:00~18:00 Group Presentations

19:30~21:00 Keynote 04: Legal Design toward Web3 [Mizuno Tasuku (Lawyer, Attorney)]